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Here you will find Traffic Trivia statistics including your points over the last month and over the last year. You can also check if you were right for the last 4 weeks worth of questions, among some other information.

Statistics are updated in real time as the spreadsheet is updated. Traffic is picked up during the DFW local traffic net sessions at 18:30 (6:30 pm) and 21:30 (9:30 pm) Central time, and anything received during those nets will generally show up here shortly after.

Did you get a new callsign?

Send me a radiogram letting me know and I will update your statistics.

Was your radiogram received for this week?

While the question is ‘active’ I will only confirm receipt of your radiogram. Results will post in the next section below once the question period closes. If I receive your radiogram after the question period, it will be listed in the next section below once processed.

If you are using a ‘desktop’ browser, you can filter the list to show only your callsign by:

  • Clicking the down arrow to the right of Station of origin
  • Hover over Label Filters
  • Click on Equals…
  • Type your callsign in the filter field and click OK

To clear the filter, click the down arrow to the right of Station of origin again and then click Clear Filter

Answers over the last 4 weeks

Check this list to see if your answer was received and was correct or not.

If you are using a ‘desktop’ browser, you can filter the list to show only your callsign by:

  • Clicking the down arrow to the right of Station of origin
  • Hover over Label Filters
  • Click on Equals…
  • Type your callsign in the filter field and click OK

To clear the filter, click the down arrow to the right of Station of origin again and then click Clear Filter

4-week stats

See how many points you earned over the last 4 weeks.

You can filter the list to show only your callsign by:

  • Clicking the down arrow to the right of Station of origin
  • Hover over Label Filters
  • Click on Equals…
  • Type your callsign in the filter field and click OK

To clear the filter, click the down arrow to the right of Station of origin again and then click Clear Filter

Yearlong stats

Here are your accumulated points over the last 12 months.

If you are using a ‘desktop’ browser, you can filter the list to show only your callsign by:

  • Clicking the down arrow to the right of Station of origin
  • Hover over Label Filters
  • Click on Equals…
  • Type your callsign in the filter field and click OK

To clear the filter, click the down arrow to the right of Station of origin again and then click Clear Filter

Weekly response count

Here is how many responses I received each week.

Radiogram transit times

How long is traffic taking to reach me? Here’s a chart showing the minimum, maximum, and average number of days radiograms are in transit.

And here is a breakdown for traffic received over the previous 4 weeks (meaning this does not include the current week).